Abby Knowles

The number one piece of advice that I, as a Junior in college, have heard from almost every single person who has ever graduated college in my generation, was to make a LinkedIn page. And make it as soon as you possibly can. I thought to myself, Why? What is so great about it? I didn’t even know what this new platform was—Was it like MySpace or something that my parents used to use? Surely I can get a job without having to make yet another social media profile, right? Well, see, that IS possible, BUT, you will significantly increase your chances of snagging a job in your desired field of work or aspiration if you start making connections and applying to jobs on LinkedIn.

I’m going to walk you through how to set up your LinkedIn page; what to include, how to curate your resume, how to write cover letters for applications, different kinds of portfolios you can create, and more! Let’s get started!

So, the big question—what exactly is “LinkedIn”? LinkedIn was created in 2002, and is a platform used to help you “find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to succeed in your career.” 

Steps when creating your LinkedIn:

  1. Add a profile picture, preferably a headshot or photo that represents professionalism so when businesses or companies look at your page, they instantly see how you present yourself.
  2. Add a header! This is a fun one because you can customize this however you want, just like a Twitter header! You can put a photo of your passion or hobby, or something that lets people know your personality. I got mine off of Pinterest, and curated a Pinterest board that has a bunch of different header examples you can use.
  3. Add any and ALL work experience that you have had in the past. Even if it is cashiering, babysitting, etc, any experience is experience. 
  4. CONNECT! Add as many people you see on LinkedIn—those who go to school with you, went to highschool with you, or that you just know of. I promise everyone is doing the same thing, so connect, connect, connect and don’t be afraid! Also follow any companies that you have an interest in, enjoy, or have worked at.

Now, let’s talk about resumes, because on LinkedIn, you are going to be able to apply easily for internships or job positions, and having your resume on hand will make applying that much quicker. On your resume, this is what I like to call your “selling point,” because you are essentially selling all that you are on this resume. You want to include your college, high school, classes you have taken, skills you have, jobs you have held, and more. Here is another pinterest board I created with resume examples that you can take as inspiration to use to start creating your own and add as you go! (Can you tell I love Pinterest)

Lastly, let’s discuss cover letters. Now, until very recently, I didn't even know what a cover letter was until I applied for a job on my college campus. I have never had to use one, but I am so glad I did, because most internships or jobs you are going to be applying to, especially through LinkedIn, will require a cover letter of some form. 

How do I make a cover letter? What should I include? 

  • Your name and return address
  • The company that you are applying to along with their address
  • An introduction to who you are and why you are writing to them
  • Another paragraph explaining your skills and how you think you will fit into this position
  • Any strengths you have that will benefit you say you land the job

Here I offer my final Pinterest board with cover letter examples and ideas to help you begin yours today.

Now that we have gone over LinkedIn, resumes, and cover letters, you should be set for applying to your next girl boss position! Here is my LinkedIn page to get a little inspiration from!  

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